It is always the simple that produces the marvellous...


Ameila Bar

Capability Development Specialists

Learning Needs Analysis Top Tips

5 Top Tips

Based on our experience here are some top tips to help if you are thinking of carrying out a learning needs analysis:


  • Make sure that the needs analysis is integrated in to any broader business programmes which will have an impact upon the analysis.  If there are transformational programmes, how is the learning being considered within the individual projects?


  • Make sure that it is driven by the business needs of the organisation so that the subsequent learning interventions (if required) will be focused on real issues, and easily identifiable as relevant to the organisation (and the employees who will be attending them).


  • Make sure you know why you are doing the learning needs analysis.  What is it that you are trying to achieve from the learning needs analysis.  Be clear on the boundaries within which the needs analysis will be undertaken, for example, in looking at the options for learning interventions, what options are feasible within your organisational context?  It is important that the analysis recommendations are practical and can be implemented.


  • Make sure you understand the how the learning needs analysis is going to be carried out, for example, how is the data going to be collected to support the analysis?  Make sure you are engaged to ensure the full range of data sources are tapped in to, including financial data, organisational performance measures, business objectives, job roles and profiles and any reports including customer feedback reports and employee surveys.


  • Make sure the key stakeholders in the organisation will support the analysis.  It is important that during the analysis that access to relevant data is provided and that where workshops or interviews are required, personnel will engage willingly.