It is always the simple that produces the marvellous...


Ameila Bar

Capability Development Specialists

Working with you to help you deliver successful learning

How do you know if you need a learning needs analysis?


For many specialists the trigger for a learning needs analysis can come from a variety of sources.  In our experience the needs analysis can be applied at different levels, and with different grades of complexity.


At the strategic level needs analyses can be driven from broader transformation programmes, where change has been recognised as key to the future profitability of the organisation.  As such there is a need for changes in skills, knowledge and behaviours of employees.  The needs analysis at this level seeks to identify the high level learning objectives which directly link and underpin business objectives.  This provides the starting point for the hierarchy of learning objectives from which all learning activities within the company should then derived. 


At the operational level, the needs analyses may be driven by a change in a specific divisional requirement, or introduction of new equipment, for example, where the impact is upon a specific group of employees. The analysis at this level would therefore be less complex and wide ranging but with the same outputs, including required learning objectives, cost effective options for delivering the learning, and how it can be applied.


In addition to the triggers which often reflect changes in the environment in which the organisation is operating, both externally and internally, there is also a broader requirement for an needs analysis which is driven from the following question.  How do you know that the suite of learning interventions undertaken by employees is having an impact upon your organisation and more importantly providing them with the skills that your employees need to deliver against business requirements?  What evidence do you have if you are not able to directly link the learning interventions to organisational business objectives?  A learning needs analysis will allow you to assess the suite of interventions, and in doing so help to focus the learning activities, and ensure that funds are being used to deliver business benefits.